The movie begins with the flashback of Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck) of his childhood when his parents were brutally murdered in Gotham, which finally transform this young kid to become the Dark Knight. And then it's been almost two years since the Superman's colossal battle with General Zod devastated the city of Metropolis which lead to the loss of life and collateral damage left many feeling angry and helpless, including crime-fighting billionaire Bruce Wayne. That is how Batman VS Superman: Dawn of Justice started off. The 152 minutes movie showing Batman/Bruce Wayne who somehow has some of the vision of the future that Superman is a threat to mankind intend to end his reign on Earth started to study Superman or Kryptonians. And then, the conniving Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenberg) who is also started his crusade against the Man of Steel. Finally, we have the battle of all time, Son of Krypton vs the Bat of Gotham, and with his study, the Dark Knight has the upper h...
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