Recent weeks, I have been watching TVB's Witness Insecurity and one of the thing with this series that attracts me is the theme song of the series. Titled as The Most Blissful Thing or The Happiest thing or 最幸福的事 in chinese, the song is sang by the main actress of the series, Linda Chung. 就算雨傘破了身體濕透 沒法子 jau soon yu saan poh liu sun tai sup tau moot faat ji 就算冷笑冷到不是味兒 jau soon laang siu laang do but si mei yi 就算我向世界飛奔千百里 又再輸 jau soon ngoh heung sai gai fei bun cheen baak lei yau joy shoo 就算跌過百次 再尋下次 jau soon deet gwoh baak chi joy chum ha chi 溫室無非逃避災或雨 wun sut mo fei to bei joy waak yu 心鎖從來沒有鎖匙 sum soh chung loi moot yau soh see 心弦若果 頻率很類似 sum yeen yurk gwoh pun loot hun looi chi 相看像照鏡子 淚痕仍似詩 seung hon jeung jiu geng ji looi hun ying chi si *曾想像太好 歷太多失意 chung seung jeung tai ho lik tai doh sut yi 孤單的滋味 天知我知 goo daan dik jee mei teen jee ngoh jee 太幸福的事也許要變卦幾次 tai hung fook dik see ya hooi yiu been gwah gei chi 方悟到珍惜的意思 fong mm do jun sik dik yi see ...
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